"Antonio Zanon" Technical Institute in Udine
The State Technical Institute for Economics "A. Zanon "in Udine was founded in 1866 with the aim of constituting a reference for the development of the territory, also in the perspective of a connection with Central and Eastern Europe. Still its archives are object of study, research and subject for scientific publications.
The Institute currently has about 1350 students and two fields of study: 1. Administration, Finance and Marketing and 2. Tourism.
Students from 14 to 16 years of age attend the first two years, the same for all: the first two years of secondary school (High School) conclude the compulsory course of study that begins at the age of 6 years with primary school and transits through the secondary school of first degree (Junior School). Subsequently, the first course of study (Administration, Finance and Marketing) specializes and is divided into: International Relations for Marketing, Business Information Systems and Administration, Finance and Marketing, while the Tourism course - which concerns the integrated enhancement of cultural heritage, artistic, craft, food and wine, landscape and environmental protection - continues in full. The first two-year period of study therefore follows the second two-year period, with pupils aged 16 to 18 years. The last year prepares for the State Exam, the University entrance or the world of work, with an academic qualification which is recognized both in the academic field and in the companies in terms of job opportunities (age of students: 18-19 years). The five years of secondary school are standard for all Italian schools.
The disciplines characterizing our school are: Business Administration and Politics, Law, Foreign Languages (English, German, French, Spanish), Computer Science. Students, however, attend a basic curriculum in which there are disciplines such as Italian, Science, Physics, Mathematics, History, Physical Education, Geography and - in the case of the Tourism course - also Art History.
Projects are a strong element of innovation: the main projects concern the alternation between school and work experience (the students, from the second two years, carry out internship experiences in the companies in Italy and abroad: the companies with which the school has an agreement are more than 400), study stays and exchanges with foreign countries (England, Spain, France, Austria, Germany, Finland, Hungary), language and IT certifications.
The Institute takes part in national assessment and self-assessment processes (competency tests, drafting of the Self-assessment Report and Improvement Plans, Social Report).
Its specific characteristic is a continuous progress in the digitalisation processes of teaching and in a series of IT equipment in terms of laboratories and multimedia equipment not commonly widespread in Italian schools.
“A. Zanon” school takes special care of the students' training processes (citizenship, health and safety education), also with reference to current topics and events. There are also theater, artistic and sports groups.
The number of teachers is about 130; the administrative, technical and auxiliary staff is about 30 people.
The management of the numerous curricular and extracurricular activities is carried out through working groups and a staff of Presidency, with a legal school Director representing the Institute.
As a part of the Public Administration, the school makes its documents visible both on the institutional website and in the "Transparent Administration" and "Albo Pretorio" areas.
The training offer is reflected in the Triennial Educational Offer Plan (PTOF), also made public on the institutional website (www.itzanon.edu.it).